After the plugin activation you will see the menu item called Authors List in the main menu of the WordPress admin. Click that to go to the plugin settings page.

You will see the following:

All your created lists will show up there, but if you just installed the plugin you don’t have any lists. So let’s add one, click the Add New button to add a new authors list.
You will see the following:

There are a lot of settings available but don’t worry about any of that now, let’s try adding a list with default settings first. In the Name field type in My First List and click the Save Changes button.
The page will reload and you should see a notification saying Settings Saved just below the button.

In the top right corner is a link labeled Back to overview, click that.

It will take you back to where you can see all your created lists (it was empty when we started) and now we can see the list we just created.

Select the contents of the Shortcode column and copy them.

Now go to create a new page, and in the content paste the shortcode you copied. Works for both classic editor and Gutenberg editor. You can also add the shortcode in sidebars and anywhere else where shortcodes are allowed by your theme.

Publish the page and view it. You should see a listing of authors on the page. Like this (with the real authors of course):

That’s it, you created your first authors list. Now head over to the Settings part of the documentation where we’ll cover the settings you have to modify your authors lists.