Authors List Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Authors List


You can access the overview by clicking the Authors List item in the main menu on the left in the WordPress admin panel

When you click that link you will be taken to the overview of the lists where all your created lists are shown.

Name is just for your own reference and is set in the general settings of a list.

Shortcode is what you use to display the list on your site.

And at the end are the links for Settings, Trash and Duplicate.

Settings takes to the settings page for the list and Duplicate creates a copy of a list.

Trash moves a list to the trash and it will no longer be displayed on the site, but it is not permanently deleted. In the top left corner you’ll see Active (X) | Trash (X) where you can switch between showing active and trashed lists. When you go to Trash you can restore lists or permanently delete them.

We can now move on to the Settings part of the documentation.